Friday, September 25, 2020

Scoundrel Runs Down Family's Mailbox, Family Creates Invincible Mailbox

A new mailbox sure was cheaper than the thousands of dollars that this inconsiderate, reckless scoundrel ended up paying for his stunts. This isn't the first time that we've come across a story involving one person running over other completely innocent people's mailboxes. It seems to be a trend amongst people that like to spread negativity into other people's lives. Check out another time that someone lost to a steel mailbox with this story about an evil snowplow being defeated.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Punch_Drunk_AA • 4y + Join New mailbox, 20 bucks. New car 10k. Finally a place to post this story. My best friend and I are both sons of police officers. His dad was a Highway Patrolman and mine was a Deputy Sheriff and detective. They are both retired now and living comfortably. This story happened shortly after we both graduated high school about 15 years ago. My buddy and I grew up in a rural area and for the most part was very quiet and we rarely had any problems. That


Text - Flash back a few months before my buddy's dad retired. He decided he didn't want to quit working so he went down to the local trade college and became certified as a welder. After the second time their mailbox was destroyed my buddy called me over to his house and we all went to work. Buddy and his dad did the welding and cutting, I did the grinding and his mom [who is a fantastic artist] did the painting. Throw in two bags of cement, seven feet of steel pipe, and the necessary re-bar and


Text - A couple weeks went by and bingo. My friend called me around 7:00 am on a Sunday morning and told me to get over to his house ASAP. When I came around the turn to their house, there it was in full glory. A 92 Pontiac Grand Prix wrapped around a steel poll almost to the passenger compartment. The car was abandoned but all the necessary information needed for an arrest was there. It took a couple of days to track the owner down and sure enough he confessed. However there was also a half emp


Text - Edit... Time to add some context. Look we know what we did could be potentially dangerous to others, we're not idiots. However, when we placed the new box and pole it was well within my friends property line, and off the road. Their family owns a farm and has the acreage to spare. My friend's dad cleared off a large area with his tractor, packed the ground down and added a layer of road base. He made it large enough that the postal worker could park and be completely off the road to acces

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