Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Leave it to the Canadian Giant to put the entitled Karen of the hour in her place. Love nothing more than seeing an entitled Karen that was otherwise on an uninterrupted tear, get put in her place. Beautiful stuff, really. For more Karen gold check out the time that Karen claimed she was sold a faulty computer, and ended up learning otherwise.


Text - r/IDontWorkHereLady + Join u/poweredbyweirdhumor • 1y 1 No, my husband wearing a winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is a peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is a teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just a peaceful giant.


Text - So here we are, at the grocery shop, with our 6 mo baby shopping for food and whatnot. It is winter in Canada (so, you know, cold) and we are both wearing our coats. The kid is fussy and nothing really calms him except when we carry him in our arms. It is my turn and my husband is going back and forth gathering what we need and bringing the items to our cart when the banshee-from-hell (BFH from now on) got in his face (figure of speech, she was like 5 ft 2) and started yelling at him. BFH


Text - BFH: STOP! Don't talk to me unless it is to thank me. Are we clear? My husband sees me boiling and about to interfere but makes a sign that's says he is going to deal with it. He then calmly look at her with a smile. BFH: (smuggling) GOOD! Now, help me grad the last (item I don't remember, probably some king of condiment) on this high shelve. WHY IN HELL you people always put the stuff I need so high is BEYOND me. Now, chop-chop! My husband grabs the item, but instead of giving it to her,


Text - Husband: (grining) Honey, do we need (condiment)? Me: (catching on) Well, as a matter of fact, yes! We do! Lady: WHAT?! HOW DARE YOU GIVE HER MY STUFF! IT'S MY STUFF! GIVE IT TO ME!!! Super slowly, my husband gets closer to the lady. He is so imposing that she calms down immediately. With the biggest of smile and the most polite voice ever, he says to her: Husband: Again, I do not work here... but thank you for showing me (condiment). We were about to forget it. And with that, he puts the

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