Saturday, August 8, 2020

Twitter Thread: Girl Endures Teasing For Anxious Friend

This heartwarming thread tells the story of a courageous, selfless girl enduring rounds of rude teasing from her classmates, because she was committed to helping out her socially anxious friend. Turns out her friend was too nervous to ask the questions herself, so this girl would do it for her. She'd ask so many questions that the teacher would start to give her a hard time. That's just not cool, teach. Either way, this is a pure reflection of a beautiful friendship. 

Check out more instances of humans being total bros over here.


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas I had this girl in my class and she was considered to be like REALLY DUMB. She'd ask a ton of questions in class, which everybody would consider to be "stupid"and "silly" and even the teachers would often taunt her but she'd never stop asking. <>


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas · 3d Replying to @baileyanastas The weirdest thing was that she'd almost always ace the class exams and everyone was like???? Even the teachers thought she was cheating because she wasn't so 'smart' in class. But nobody could prove that she was actually cheating... t7 112 688


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas · 3d I'm pretty introverted so I never really talked to her, but she was leaving school this year and I was genuinely curious about how she did so well on exams and how she didn't let everyone's remarks and doubts affect her. 27 70 562


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas 3d She always used to sit and hang out with only one girl, and she told me that that friend of hers was severely socially anxious and had difficulty in class because she couldn't bring herself to ask questions or ask for help from others. I've felt that way before myself... baileyanastas @baileyanastas · 3d So they had this system where during lectures her friend would write down any question she had, and she would ask them for her. And I was just so touched??


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas · 3d This girl endured taunts and accusations and borderline bullying for being "stupid" when she was actually really smart and could easily have refused to ask questions for her friend but she did?? And brushed off everything others would throw at her for her friend?? 27 260 1,352


Text - baileyanastas @baileyanastas 3d Do you have friends like this? I hope you do. I think it's so important to have support from people who don't shame you for your shortcomings, who help you during hard times and don't embarrass you or leave you hanging, even if they could. And trust me, most people could.

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