Sunday, August 30, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Cultures Collide Over Ways To Measure Time And Space

People on the internet will break out in a fiery debate over just about anything. In this case, we have Tumblr users from various corners of the globe offering their hot takes on the proper way to measure time and space. Basically, there's always going to be a different way to measure time and space. For some more gold from Tumblr, check out this Tumblr thread about how the Rocky Horror picture show was freedom.


Text - E penroseparticle My favorite thing is that Europe is spooky because it's old and America is spooky because it's big meduseld "The difference between America and England is that Americans think 100 years is a long time, while the English think 100 miles is a long way." -Earle Hitchner burntcopper A fave of mine was always the american tales where people freaked out because 'someone died in this house' and all the europeans would go .Yes? That would be


Text - pretty much every house over 40 years old. .My school is older than your entire town. 'Sorry, you think *how far* is okay to travel for a shopping trip?' *American looks up at the beams in a country pub* °Uh, this place has woodworm, isn't that a bit unsafe?' 'Eh, the woodworm's 400 years old, it's holding those beams together! bedlamsbard A few years ago when I was in college I did a summer program at Cambridge aimed specifically at


Text - Americans and Canadians, and my year it was al| Americans and one Australian. We ended the program with a week in Wessex, and on the last day as we all piled onto the bus in Salisbury (or Bath? I can't remem- ber), the professors went to the front to warn us that we wouldn't be making any stops unless absolutely necessary. We're headed to Heath- row to drop off anyone flying off the same day, then back to Cambridge. "All right, it's going to be a long bus ride, so make sure you're prepare


Text - of six hours with the double digits perfectly plausible. We can handle a twelve hour bus ride as long as we get a bathroom break. The answer. "Two hours." Oh. e derinthemadscientist English people trying to travel around Australia and wildly underestimating distance are my favourite thing marzipanandminutiae a tour guide in France told my school group that a particular cathedral wouldn't interest us much


Text - because "it's not very old; only from the early 1600s" to which we had to respond that it was still older than the oldest surviving European-style buildings in our country iguana-sneeze China is both old and big. I had some Chinese colleagues over; we were discussing whether they wanted to see the Vasa ship (hugely expensive war ship which sank on it's maiden voyage after 12 min). They asked if it was old, I said "not THAT old" (bearing in mind they were Chinese) "it's from the 1500s." To


Text - the 1500s." To my surprise they still looked impressed, nodding enthusiatically. Then I realised l'd forgotten something: "...I mean it's from the 1500s AFTER the birth of Christ" and they went "oh, AFTE..". ceescedasticity My dad's favorite quote from vari- ous tours in Italy was "Pay no atten- tion to the tower – it was a [scornful tone] tenth century addition." copperbadge My last boss was Chinese, and she said when her parents came to visit her from Beijing they pronounced Chicago "A

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