Sunday, August 30, 2020

People That Faced Karmic Justice Years Later

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about people that they saw face karmic justice in the end. Seeing someone who wronged you end up getting theirs in the end has an uncanny knack for melting the heart. It's like the universe recognizes their BS behavior, and decides to intervene. Or, their luck just runs out. 


Text - mikesername • 8y Kind of a short story. Kid I met in sixth grade became that kind of "is your friend but is really secretly your bully" type with me. I knew he was going to fail sixth grade (the first grade in my school system that you could really actually "fail" and get held back), so he did. I saw him a couple of times in the hall after that but I haven't really heard from him since. He used to talk about how he wouldn't mind being in jail at all, because you get lots of cole slaw ther


Text - [deleted] • 8y I've posted this before, but it fits here. I few years back I was the assistant manager at my karate studio. It was a slow, quiet day, when in walked Paul, my old bully from public school. I wasn't sure at first, it had been a long time, and it was hard to tell. I didn't say anything. Paul was interested in joining the dojo, and I showed him around, discussed pricing, etc. I didn't treat him any differently than I would any other potential client. At the end of the tour, Pa


Text - "I'm really looking forward to training with you." I smiled. "Thanks, me too," Paul said. "You don't recognize me, do you?" "No, should 1?" "Yes. We went to school together, Grade 3 through 8. You bullied me every day, and made my life miserable. Can't wait to see you in class." Paul went white, and walked out without another word. And never walked back in. He willingly threw away a year's membership payment, almost $500, rather than have to be in the same class with me. EDIT: There have


Text - Freakazette • 8y My mom treats me worse than my younger brothers, and it eventually always bites her in the ass. My favorite is the time she saw it coming. See, when we were teens, my brothers were always allowed to borrow my mother's car, but I wasn't. My grandmother even warned my mother that she would need me one day and l'd tell her no. Mom blew her off because why would she need me, and it's not in my nature to say no. Fast forward a few years later when I have a car and my mom gets


Text - Kazan • 8y I was the nerdy picked on kid in school... almost 10 years after graduating from high school one of the guys who used to give me shit contacted me on facebook. apologized for being an asshat, then asked for advice on going to college for the thing i have a bachelor of sciences in Edit this is not a billy madison rip. I have never seen that movie and only found out about it's existence from people replying to this comment. I generally don't like adam sandler. 472


Text - Text - MiikeNUFC • 8y A guy I went to high-school with "friended" me on Facebook. He was caught stealing from my house once back then, bragging about it to mutual friends (whom he thought would not tell me). After the incident we never spoke, although we had the same circle of friends, I kept my distance, he kept his. Flash forward 20 years to now and we were "friends" on Facebook. I have a pretty cool job in the music industry, good money and I travel the world. I usually add these forme


Text - whalesharkbite • 8y My college roommate secretly slept with my boyfriend while I was at class for a year (I routinely took more than a full course load and was in math/science classes or study groups every morning). One day I walked in on them screwing when class was cancelled. Moved out. More angry at her than heartbroken. Lost most of my friends through the breakup. Fast forward 5 years later: those 2 throw a crazy expensive engagement party at the guy's parents' beach house (attended b


Text - lamerfreak • 8y (now ex) GF and I worked at the same place. I was in a different department, different level, we had no real interaction there. She came home one day to tell me about laughing at her new boss who had been hitting on her. Nearly choked when she told me his name - he was my childhood, neighborhood bully. Warm fuzzies, right there. 179 ...


Text - optimusxrae • 8y I'm was one of the least popular kids in my high school by far. I was too nerdy for even the nerds to hang out with. I spent most of my time with the outcasts. I knew it was bad but I had a crush on a football player. (Can you blame me? What nerd didn't?) I decided for once to take charge and do something for myself. I asked him out. He laughed in my face and told me I was too ugly for anyone to ever date. Called me "crow face" which was a lovely nickname that caught on f


Text - After high school I began doing modeling gigs and cosplay events. I felt great and looked amazing. Not too long after these shoots started popping up online, he messaged me on facebook telling me how gorgeous I looked and that he should have never said no to me at all. I then got to calmly explain to him the years of self esteem issues l'd suffered from him and how I always pictured him humiliating me in front of our high school any time I wanted to ask someone out. TL;DR: Crush told me I


Text - [deleted] • 8y To the friend who always looked at my test and copied me to get an A; I got all the scholarships, you didn't. Have fun. 102 ...


Text - Erock2 • 8y I'm now manager at a Verizon store, and I have all the "cool" people from high school asking for a job... One guy I remember clearly making my life miserable came in and asked for a job, I joked around with him for a bit and told him to come in for an interview, he came in and started telling me how happy he is about how he finally found a job, after telling me his life story I started telling him how horrible he made my life when we were in high school, I stood up and told hi

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