Friday, August 21, 2020

Totally Random Tumblr Nuggets To Chew On

If there's one thing that's for certain, it's that Tumblr is a goldmine of insightful gems and genuinely strange observations. It is the place to go when you're looking to kill some time, and take your mind down a weird rabbit hole. We've got some fresh Tumblr gems assembled for your enjoyment. 


Photography - This tiny Jyn Erso went to the Star Wars Celebration and handed out copies of the Death Star plans to every Leia she saw. ravenamore You left out the best part. She left the last one at Carrie Fisher's memorial.


Text - REI tilthat TIL that ants will heal other ants after raids and that mortally wounded ants will refuse treatment. via daco-broman do not deny me my warriors death brother


Text - patrexes gods but they have patreons patrexes pledge at least 1$/mo to be counted as a follower. for 5$/mo you get free coffee and bagels at the local place of worship. for 15$/mo they'll answer at least one (1) prayer per month whencartoonsruletheworld Okay I hate to intrude but didn't this happen and isn't it why Martin Luther wrote his 95 theses Source: patrexes


Text - higglety cuddle-cure Follow ... tilthat TIL “Yankee Doodle" was written by the British to mock americans. “Doodle" is thought to come from the German “dödel", meaning “fool" or "simpleton" and “macaroni“ a flamboyantly stylish type of dress, painting the Yankees as morons who thought placing a feather in one's cap made them a "dandy." via toastpotent so you're telling me that "stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni" would be like saying "wrote a G on his belt and cal


Text - E teaboot Sorry mom and dad, in my house elbows on the table are mandatory teaboot You can do whatever you want at your house but as long as you're under my roof you WILL wear your hat to dinner, grandpa Source: teaboot 3,335 notes


Text - mitchelllmarners-deactivated201 I love how in other sports if anybody starts fighting the refs or umps run over and try to break up the fight immediately but in hockey the refs just kinda stand back and watch like they're angry toddlers or something shawz-65 I read an article a while ago and the guy was interviewing an NHL ref. He said something like "when two 6'2", 220 pound, armored men decide they want to knock each others teeth out, and you're standing there in pants and a t-shirt, th


Text - genderbongconforming Follow Tenneccee USA DRIVER LICENSE THE VOLUNTEER STATE NOT FOR FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION DL NO DOB 07/24/2028 iss 07/24/2020 EXP CLASS D END NONE REST 01 SEX F HGT 5'-03" EYES BRO DO A woman is stunned when her new driver's license came back with a picture of an empty chair this is absolutely sending me yeltsinsstar Follow Interesting way to discover that you're a vampire


Text - charlesoberonn Anti-Mom: It's okay if you don't finish your plate because you're only human and the vast majority of food waste comes from corporations and government organizations throwing it away, and not households. charlesoberonn Anti-Dad: As long as you live under my roof, we will communicate and negotiate the terms and rules together to make it the most pleasant living experience for the both of us. captainlordauditor this...this is the addams family sympathetic-deceit-trash That's


Text - showerthoughtsofficial History class is really just catching you up to speed on everything you missed before you were born. A deepfriedtwinkie Previously On..uh..just..fucking everything


Text - REI tilthat TIL that in 2002, a researcher found that the average 8-year-old British child could identify 80% of Pokémon, but only 50% of common wildlife species via sirobvious Common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at you


Text - REI tilthat TIL when people are electrocuted and thrown far distances, it is a result of sudden and violent muscle contraction and not the result of the shock. This has raised questions as to the actual strength and capabilities of the muscles in the human body via i-am-the-punk-mermaid Are you telling me we are capable of yeeting ourselves when under extreme stress?


Text - theghostboy things i say that confuse and worry my coworkers: "happy birthday" every time i hand them something • "well, that's not ideal" whenever something is going wrong • "we are in the timeline that god abandoned" whenever i'm mildly inconvenienced • "can't you see that your fighting is tearing this family apart?" whenever two or more coworkers are arguing • referring to taking medication as "eating medicine" • time to go back to prison!" when putting animals back in their cages • re


Text - mens-rights-activia S holy-cacao Follow E RE tilthat Follow TIL that the shortest marriage in recorded history was 3 minutes. On the way out of the courthouse, the bride tripped over and fell. Instead of helping her up, the groom called her "stupid". On the spot the bride insisted the magistrate annul the wedding, and the magistrate complied via ruby-white-rabbit Follow Good for her 46,187 notes


Text - poodlewolf Follow Me playing Pokemon 10 years ago: Oh man if only pokemon was real I WOULD BE THE VERY BEST my fucking overlevelled team of 6 dragons eats these pussy-ass NPC youngsters for breakfast, I would be a fucking GODDESS among men, I would tame the fiercest legendaries of every region and scale the ranks of every league and maybe one day when I'm older even settle down somewhere and open my own gym- Me playing pokemon now: Dude how amazing would it be to just. .. own a tiny house


Text - @Gooooats My toddler said I was his second favorite person, and I was bummed, but then he said that his mom is third. He has no favorite person. He's holding the position open. 16/12/17, 4:21 am shadybitchcraft power move


Text - lesbwian Follow "we're ruining the planet" i'm sorry who is this we i don't recall myself running a billion dollar oil business hardleywhelmed Follow Sometimes I use the keurig and I feel bad but then I remember Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions


Text - makeoutstation oh my GOD so i was talking to a buddy in psychology and then this kid came in who looked exactly like him and gave him a book he'd forgotten at home and i went "holy shit you have a twin?!?" and he was like "yeah! his name is jason!" and i was like "????? i thought YOUR name was jason" long story short i have one of them in my math class and another in my psychology class and i've developed a friendship with both of them but i thought they were the same person this entire t


Text - HORRORBEEST @flashember i begin typing on an old typewriter, "a werewolf is steering a submarine" but then stop. i crunch up the paper and throw it in the fire. the world isn't ready yet for Captain Harry McHowls, the submarine pilot who is secretly a werewolf hiding from the moon 12:47 PM - Oct 13, 2019 · Twitter for Android spiderine yes it is a headspace-hotel The world would be so much better if people would just unironically write stuff like this. I'm tired of books that Take Themsel


Text - popokko Follow it's really august huh... like 8 whole months have passed. . disgusting smallest-feeblest-boggart this post was written in 2018 but it hits a lot harder now


Text - trans-apostate-anders i hope that baby yoda grows up to talk like a normal person and we find out yoda was just a fucking freak zevveli IIRC Yoda's Speech patterns were explicitly stated once to be due to his age. It was something along the lines of that the rules of grammar for basic had changed between his youth and the time of the Star Wars movies. So it was essentially like if an Anglican Priest from the Elizabethan Era had taken refuge in a swamp in Louisiana and was trying to impart

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