Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Quick Tumblr Post On Keeping A Level Mindset

Got to love it when the Tumblr community takes a break from the random rabbit holes to offer up some helpful mental health advice. This particular advice definitely makes sense. It's easier to get over one thing that you're preoccupied with getting over, by throwing your attention into a completely different activity that you enjoy. Check out some more random Tumblr gems to tumble through over here.


Text - anxietyproblem Follow Seneca @CryptoSeneca Easy to spot a yellow car when you are always thinking of a yellow car. Easy to spot opportunity when you are always thinking of opportunity. Easy to spot reasons to be mad when you are always thinking of being mad. You become what you constantly think about. Watch yourself.


Text - A shinnegamitensei Follow #hm. time to constantly think about getting |by a pack of werewolves. this site has one setting jenroses Follow I'm laughing, but there's a super useful corollary, which my husband calls “the Red Balloon." He was a defense lawyer and had a fair number of drug addicts come through, and there is a thing where if you're like, on your first offense, they'll do a thing where you can go to treatment and if you complete it they'll take the conviction off your record.


Text - And he would tell his clients, “Look, everyone's going to tell you not to do drugs. They're going to say it over and over again. And it's like, if people tell you not to think of a white elephant, you're going to think of a white elephant. But the trick to not thinking about a white elephant is to think of a red balloon. So you need to find your red balloon. For some people it's yoga. For others it's woodworking. For some people it's scrapbooking or gardening or any of a long list of thin


Text - So yeah, "watch yourself" is one thing... but the better idea is to watch something else. (Even if it's fanfic about werewolves It's a form of productive dissociation, and is super, super helpful. It's easy for me to get bogged down in how much pain l'm in... but some of the most painful periods of my life have also been the most productive, writing-wise, because writing is one of my red balloons.

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