Saturday, August 29, 2020

Girlfriend Complains About Looks, Man Suggests Surgery

The folks of Reddit have spoken and are in collective agreement that this dude was out of line. Not only did he suggest that his girlfriend use makeup, but he also threw out a bit about her getting very serious surgery on her face. That's just making her insecurities all the worse, man. 


Text - Text - 61 1 AITA for suggesting to my girlfriend she start wearing makeup again? Asshole My (24M) girlfriend "Maya" (26F) is the most beautiful woman on Earth, literally perfect from top to bottom. She was drafted by a really big modeling agency in LA while we were in college (how we met) and she made an unbelievable amount of money, enough to pay off all her student loans and buy us a house. We also have a 1yo son.


Text - Text - Like I said, I love everything about this woman – the way she dresses and does her hair, her perfume that smells amazing, and the confidence in how she carries herself is just so attractive. She's also incredibly smart, much smarter than me. Last year, though, Maya's parents died in an unexpected accident, and while it wasn't surprising to me that she was grieving at first, I was, however, surprised at just how bad it was, and before you call me TA for saying that, I had reason for


Text - Text - The main issue here is normally when Maya is upset about something, she will dress up and do her hair and makeup and go out to make herself feel better, but since the pandemic started, she hasn't been able to go out, and so she stopped doing her makeup entirely. She'll still braid her hair and wear nice outfits around the house, but I am concerned about her not doing her makeup.


Text - Text - Another concerning thing, too is she basically stopped eating. Once I realized that she wasn't eating any of the lunches I was packing for her work, I started making more heavy dinners every night like pastas, jambalaya, enchiladas, etc. otherwise she will try to live off nothing but peanut butter and celery. I can't make her eat at work, but I can at least make sure she eats dinner every night.


Text - Text - This all came to a head just a few hours ago - I made her steak and potatoes, and as we were eating, she started talking about how she wanted to get cosmetic surgery to get rid of the bags under her eyes. I told her she could always just start wearing makeup again, because she knows how to conceal that issue, anyway, right? I also suggested that if we were gonna pay for plastic surgery, why not something like the "mommy makeover" package l've heard about, because that would actuall


Text - Text - Maya just got really quiet, and after a really long and awkward silence, she told me she wanted to go to bed. After putting our son to bed, she went into our room and locked the door. When I knocked, she yelled at me to leave her alone, so I went to sleep in the guest room. When I tried to get her to eat this morning, she just snapped at me to leave her alone, and then went for a walk. I need to know, AITA?


Text - RB1327 • 1d • Pooperintendant [67] YTA. She sounds depressed. She needs therapy, not jambalaya or makeup. Reply 718 ...


Text - Text - bobi2393 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] 1 Award Lol, YTA bud. Your headline buried the lede; suggesting "mommy makeover" surgery to your partner is a sensitive topic at best, and suggesting it to someone in the midst of depression, who already sounds like she's suffering from insecurity...hoo boy! The only mitigating factor in your favor is that you might be so idiotic that it's hard to hold you fully accountable for your insensitivity. Reply 878


Text - athshe2 • 1d • Partassipant [2] YTA. You didn't just suggest she wear makeup again. You suggested she have a much more serious plastic surgery than what she suggested. She's obviously feeling concerned about her weight and you just validated all her insecurities. Reply 3.3k ...


Text - Text - niccagetheelephant8 • 1d • Certified Proctologist [25] YTA but I am concerned about her not doing her makeup. Makeup takes a long time to do. It is completely understandable for her to not wear makeup if she cant go anywhere in it any way. Her not eating, however, is concerning. She is grieving. Even if somone didnt have a good relationship with their parents they may still be incredibly upset about their death. Everyone reacts differently and it seems like her grief may be causing


Text - Text - dz89d61 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA and not even for the reason you think. Instead of trying to make her feel better about the one issue she confined in you she wants to fix through cosmetic surgery, not only did you suggest she covers it up confirming her insecurity but you also added to it by pointing out other things she could fix Reply 1 75 ...


Text - Text - wonderouscamille • 1d YTA-You tanked your relationship, and what you said was shitty and cruel. I think your heart is a tiny bit in the right place, especially since your trying to get your girlfriend to eat. However, that should be your only priority not suggesting a mommy makeover and that she wears makeup. She opened up to you about her insecurity and you told her forget about that worry getting other parts of her body done. Even if she hadn't tragically lost both parents and ha


Text - Text - ogdeloon • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] YTA. "I want to get surgery that will make it look like l'm wearing makeup." "But you could just wear makeup?? Hey! You could get a tummy tuck, lip filler, boob job..stares into distance, thinking about boob job..god honey, now wouldn't that really make you feel about your body?" ^ this is how it played in my head. Reply 1 21 ...


Text - Text - minimalminutiae • 1d • Partassipant [4] YTA. It sounds like your gf is depressed, and what's ~concerning- is that instead of trying to talk to her about what's going on in terms of her mental health, you're instead more concerned about making sure she maintains her physical looks. Reply 1 42 ...


Text - Text - throwaway0413589874 • 1d • Partassipant [1] Dude YTA 1. Her and her parents had a bad relationship but she is still entitled to grieve, as she is grieving the possible future relationship she could have had with them. 2. Hey I've been working from home for 6 months and wear PJs all day and don't brush my hair or wear a bra. Why does she have to wear makeup? 3. Being stuck inside does take a toll on someone's mental health, and on top of grieving more than likely makes it worse. 4.


Text - Text - calyxium • 21h YTA - You didn't say "hey why don't you try wearing makeup again to make yourself feel better?" Your girlfriend expressed an insecurity about a physical flaw she feels she has and you basically said "Oh no you should fix this WAY BIGGER flaw instead!" You did a lot of work to convince us you think she's beautiful. Time to apologise and go convince her. Her not wearing makeup and eating less could be a sign that she's struggling with depression but it could also just


Text - Text - nattiey2002 • 22h ΥΤΑ I really wanted to be for you because I understand the makeup part... it's not about her looking better to you, it's about how she perceived herself that you're worried over But homie.. a mommy makeover vs a little eye work?! Yikes friend. You might have to start thinking about what you want custody arrangement to look like Reply ...


Text - Text - LitChick2000• 22h ΥΤΑ And you are shallow AF. Never mind you saying how much you love her. Actions you describe are not loving. Your are objectifying her. She lost her parents. Just because they weren't talking for some time, doesn't mean that both parties didn't care for one another, or that she did not want to re- establish a healthy relationship with her parents. Sudden loss of loved ones like this is absolutely devastating. Reply ... >>


Text - Text - sthetic • 21h • Partassipant [2] YTA. She became so upset at her parents' death that she stopped wearing makeup. Therefore, if she starts wearing makeup again, she will stop being sad about the death of her parents???? Is that your logic? The loss of appetite and self-care is a SYMPTOM of her depression. You're just focused on concealing the symptom. She needs grief counselling or something. Reply ...


Text - Text - ursadminor • 21h YTA. She was talking about one insecurity, you reinforced it and added a new one ("yeah you have bags but why don't you just wear make up to fix it? The real problem is that tummy!"O). Plus, please bear in mind that damaged familial relationships can still leave you shattered when the person dies. You can suffer guilt, grief for the relationship you could have had, confusion about how to feel etc. Plus if your child is only 1, you might want to consider if post nat

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