Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Entitled Woman Expects to Pay for Painting with Prayer

The world has its unfair share of entitled folks and their frustrating demands. Sometimes people make such jaw-droppingly laughable "offers" that it's probably best to run away. For another wild piece of entitlement, here's an entitled parent who demanded a public artist make a piece just for them.


Text - Hi AUG 14, 12:30 PM Hi. I saw that u posted on marketplace I thought y not get a cute portrait Oh yes! I'm open for commissions! What do you have in mind? I would like a traditional painting. A big one. Something like 48x60 inches? Wow that's big I'm not sure if I even have canvas that big. It would also take me a long time to do. Maybe 3 weeks? A portrait of what though? Of yourself?


Text - No. I would like one of my dog in a mariachi outfit Ok. For that size I can do it for $300. I would need to go buy a canvas that size and I'm giving you a discount for my time. Doesn't seem like much of a discount to me. You are not a professional, u don't need to charge hourl... Well I'm trying to make a career out of this and I need to charge based on my experience, cost of supplies, and my time. I'm honestly charging you less than minimum wage based on what material costs.


Text - NO SIM 12:45 PM 179% **** sz n040) Write A Review $109.99 SIZE: 48" X 60 This is the price of a canvas that size and that doesn't include the price of paint Not to be mean but ur wasting your time by wanting to be an artist. No wonder u were sleeping in ur car. That's what u get for choosing a worthless career


Text - If you joined our church we would pray for you. We would illuminate ur future w our prayers Tell you what Do a painting for our church, and we will pray for you. I know u did a painting about a year ago for our sister Why can't you do one for us and get saved while u can Are you asking me to do a painting for free? Not free U know each member pays 20% of their paycheck to church each month. This'll be kind of your innitiation to our great community I think u really need it


Text - I think u really need it U are being punished because u keep rejecting Jesus into your life U need salvation and a new meaning of life. U are and will always be a starving artist. Look at u now. Do you want this for ever? If art wasn't valuable as you say. How painting that come you sold e you only paid like $30 for like $12,000? You bullied her into painting it for church. If art was that worthless why did you pocket that much money? I'm not joining your cult


Text - I don't need to give explations to a no church member. You have no idea what u are talking about Right. You have never had to work in your life. You inherited multiple millions of dollars from your husband, and you are trying to get free artwork from someone who actually wants to work hard for a better future? $300 wouldn't make a dent in your bank acc. Please stop wasting my time. I'm not joining your cult.


Text - I was blessed to have found a rich husband and blessed to have lived the life I have. You are being punished and will be punished for the rest of your life for rejecting Jesus. I think people like you are better off just disappearing off earth. Such a waste of space. You would have better luck becoming a prostitute instead of selling your shitty art work. I will be praying for you to fail. I have powerful connections, I will send this conversations to all of them. I can't wait to see you

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