Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tumblr Thread: A Legendary Bus Catching Story

This quick Tumblr thread about a dude's struggles with catching the bus should strike a chord for anyone out there who navigates the daily grind of public transportation. It can be a tricky and infuriating business trying to synch up with that bus route schedule. Sometimes, we just don't make it, and are left to wallow in a puddle of defeat. Thus was not the case for this victorious commuter. You love to see it. 

Check out another fun Tumblr thread with this awesome dentist who didn't give a heck.


Text - ainaraoftime bus drivers who re-open their doors when they see someone running towards the stop are neutral good. any other kind of bus driver is automatically lawful evil soaringsparrows chaotic evil: the bus driver who saw me running to the stop and waited until i was at the door to close it and drive away


Text - 43501 Time to bring back my husband's legendary bus story: Taking public transport for the first time in over two months, I made my way to the stop five minutes early. On my way there, I spotted my bus which also happened to be early (the chances ikr) and frantically waved for it to wait for me. which it did, up until I tried to board. I took a bit of time crossing the road because of some confused traffic and when I finally made it, the driver slammed the doors shut in my face and took o


Text - Determined to catch the bus which rused me, seemingly on purpose, I took chase, but it quickly became evident that I could not outrun something that wasn't made of flesh and bone. Defeated, I crawled back to the bus stop and sat down, resigned to my fate of waiting another 45 minutes. Then, not one, but two cars (with people inside) pulled up and told me about how they'd seen my valiant effort and offered to chase that bus down for me. The first I politely declined, but the second man fel

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