Friday, July 24, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Cultural Stereotypes Inspire Hilarious Recipes

This gem of a thread from Tumblr uses various cultural stereotypes to imagine hilariously accurate recipes. The American one might've missed the mark a little bit cause they forgot the spice packet. 


Text - thirdtimecharmed american recipes: buy these three cans of stuff and put them in a pan congrats you cooked


Text - altonzm french recipes: if you're not making this in paris then what's the point. fuck you italian recipes: use the left leg meat of a pig from one of three farms in this specific area of tuscany, or from this day my grandmother will begin manifesting physically in your house


Text - memesandshipsgalore Indian recipes: there are 500 cuisines and that means 500 versions of this dish that has 500 spices so gl


Face - piedude Irish recipes: РО TA ТOES BOIL EM MASH EM STICK EM INA STEW


Text - dixon-arrows Polish recipes: you have to toUCH THE DOUGH, FEEL THE PIEROGI IN YOUR HEART, TOUCH IT. LICK IT. SMELL IT.


Text - onceuponamirror ashki jewish recipes: no, no. no. more onion.


Text - prokopetz Ukrainian recipes: It needs more garlic. No, more than that. More. More.


Text - svynakee chinese recipes, as handed down from mother to child: season it with a pinch of this and some of that. you want to know the exact amount? feel it in your heart. ask the stars. yell into the void.


Text - jumpingjacktrash internet recipes: here is a heartwarming story about my baby sister's third birthday that i completely made up, and a copypaste from alton brown.


Text - orriculum English recipes: boil and salt it. Okay that's it enjoy


White - carbonpressure Dutch recipes: fry it. 474,038 notes


Text - valor-arcana Irish recipes: just dump a bunch of potatoes and meat in it, then cook at 350° for 20 minutes


Text - coto524 Welsh recipes: you ought to make it with this obscure type of cheese which doesn't exist any more but you can replace it with this other obscure type of cheese from the other side of the country


Text - digitalfare Greek recipes: You followed all the right steps but this isn't quite right. I don't know what to tell you.

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