Friday, June 26, 2020

Woman Tries To Eat Homegrown Tomatoes, Gets In Showdown With Wasp

This woman was just trying to enjoy the results of her hard earned efforts with growing some tomatoes. You'll see at the end that those tomatoes are a thing of beauty. That being said, she ends up in a tense, adrenaline-charged duel with a persistent monster wasp. Things could've gone very differently. 


Text - r/tifu + Join u/leahnardo • 1d 1 2 4 F1 3 2 1 TIFU by not watering my tomatoes and underestimating physics M This happened about thirty minutes ago. So l've been Covid gardening since March, growing stuff from seeds, and my tomatoes are monsters. Six feet high and still going. Temps have been in the upper 90's, so I need to water them twice a day. I check their condition, note they do need water, then see an actual TOMATO OMG. Since this is the first edible thing I've seen after three mon


Text - The wasp is, as you can imagine, not terribly pleased to be trapped in the thickets of my hair. I do not panic, however. I grab the base of that hank of hair and hold it while still leaning forward so the angry little bastard doesn't swing directly into my face. I go into problem- solving mode. The wasp does not wish to be in my hair- I do not wish the wasp to be in my hair. Yet, I sense, cooperation will not be possible. I instead enlist physics as my helper and attempt to fling the litt


Text - Having switched directly from "not panicking I can solve this" to "panicking now HAVE A WASP IN MY BOOBS," I yank the neck of my tank top forward in an attempt to keep the buzzing motherfucker from digging a hole in my fun bags. Luckily, the wasp appeared to watch a lot of fashion television and was instead attacking my tank top. I mean, I get it. No one wants to be flung into leaf green ribbed polyester. It is so last summer. Having learned absolutely nothing from my previous flirtation


Text - Still bent forward and holding my tank top's neck at least a foot from me, I crow in victory and straighten up, immediately making awkward eye contact with the three stunned construction workers in my neighbor's back yard. No, I was not wearing a bra. So yeah, I just flashed those poor men with leaning forward middle- aged dangle boobs. Fluttering like pennants in the wind. Not the most flattering angle. Did I attempt to explain my entirely reasonable circumstances to those baffled people


Text - tl;dr: Monster tomatoes lead to cleavage wasp, and my titty semaphore is not understood by baffled bystanders. Edit: Wow, I crashed and went to bed after reading a few very nice comments that made my night, and woke up to a very full inbox. Thank you! Also, yes I snuck out after dark to water the tomatoes, they are going to be fine! I watered them again this morning. There are no construction people over at my neighbor's yet, but they appear to be building a fence, so l'm going back insid





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