Friday, May 15, 2020

Sales Manager Lies, Man Takes Supernova Level Revenge

This sales manager thought she was so clever, when it came time to run the performance review on the top performing sales rep. By the sound of it, the dude was crushing it. Unfortunately, the sales manager decided to treat that stellar performance with a heavy dose of dishonesty, and tried to make him out to be a poorly performing employee. Well, with the help of technology and a coworker who had some evidence on the manager's indiscretions, she was quickly removed from her position. This is one of those revenge stories that's just so sweet, you might want to read it again. 


Text - r/NuclearRevenge + Join u/sting2018 • 1y My performance review that became my managers performance review Lots of folks over at O r/prorevenge suggested I post this, to summarize what happened: I was the top sales person, by a large margin at a location that was vastly under performing. My sales manager accused me of lying in front of the VP, I proved I wasn't lying, I then put out two more facts of information and as a result she was fired as a result of my performance review...enjoy. I


Text - I was working with a B2B Sales company (we sold services to companies basically) And this company had managed to hire the most incompetent, lazy, and jealous sales manager I have ever come across. We were a team of 5 sales people and a sales manager, all 5 of us sales people hated our sales manager for various reasons but we liked her personally. I was the top sales person on the team, I was sitting at 170% of my yearly objective and was well on my way to presidents club. This is largely


Text - Right off the bat Mrs. B hits me with "Sting you know our location hasn't been performing at objective for a number of years, and we suspect this is because sales people are misrepresenting their daily work" I'm ataken back. "Sting I don't think you are actually doing what you say you are doing in your CRM, this is something that could get you fired" I looked at Mrs. B and I said "Really?" she said "yea" | hit her back with "I'm shocked you decided to go this route" Mrs. B with a confiden


Text - "Well Sting I'm not saying you never go in the field, I just think some days you stay at home and put in BS notes in the CRM" I said "Mrs B, pick a day, any day, pick a day you think I lied about my sales activities" So Mrs. B picks a day. Now I'm smiling ear to ear, and I'm fucking heated right now. I notice the VP is smiling at me and his head is slanted to one side, I suspected he knew Mrs. B was about to get absolutely fucking owned...and he was right.


Text - So she gives me the day and I turn to the VP "Mr. VP are you aware of how android phones work?" VP responds "Enlighten me" I said "By default android has location services turned on, and in fact google will track where you went and when, naturally I carry my phone everywhere so lets compare what google says I did that day to what my CRM says"


Text - So I pull up my google location services for that day, and surprise surprise is a match. Mrs. B is obviously very concerned at this point I said "I'm actually quite enjoying this performance review, lets pick another day Mrs. B" Mrs B fires back "We don't need to do that" I turn to the VP "Mr. VP would you mind picking a day?" He says "Sure what about XYZ" He pulls up my CRM, I pull my location services for that day. Guess what? Its a match.


Text - I then get ready to pull out the big guns, "Mr. VP do you remember company XYZ with a contract value of excess of $1 million that we lost rececntly?" "Yes Sting I remember, apparently our competitor won them over on price we can't win them all" "Mr. VP, here is an email from their VP basically stating that they've decided not to go with us for our failure to provide 3 samples for them to decide on which product worked best for them" "Sting can you forward that to me?" "Sure not a problem


Text - "Now Mr. VP I had our service department look to see if any orders had been placed for those samples, no orders were actually placed" He said "i'm going look into this" Mrs. B is fucking sweating mother fucking bullets at this point, my performance review has just turned into her performance review and shits not going right. "Mr. VP I have one more thing l'd like to bring to your attention, do you mind if I step outside for a minute so I can show you?" he said "sure, I need to have a talk


Text - Now I need to mention that several years prior to this a general manager at another location raped a woman, the company was sued and lost a lot of money because of this. Since this incident the company put in a very clear cut policy "No sexual relations between management and people who work for them, its immediate termination for the manager" Now another sales consultant in the office, was named Joe. Joe was a married man with two beautiful kids and Mrs. B had the hots for him. She tried


Text - All the sales staff knew what was going on, the mood in the office was lifted. Joe and I begin walking back to the conference room when the Location Manager who was not a part of the performance review saw Joe and I, he asked "Whats going on?" and Joe said "Your going need to hire a new sales manager soon" location manager was confused, he said he's coming into the meeting we said fine. I knocked on the door, Mr. VP said come on in so I did. There we stood, Joe, myself, and the location m


Text - "Mr VP I just want to clarify a company policy" "sure" "Is it true that if a manager tried to engage in a sexual relationship with a direct report that its immediate termination for that manager?" Mr. VP sits up straight, takes a moment and goes "Yes, if something like that came to my attention my hands would be tied l'd have to fire the manager" I said "Well Joe has something he wants to show you" Mrs. B got up and walked out of the conference room, she was about to cry you could tell. H


Text - The VP asked him to screen shot those and email those over, Joe said he would. Then the VP said "I'm going need both of you to go back to the sales office, the location manager and I have some talking to do" We walk back into the sales office, I noticed the sales manager office had looked cleaned out, apparently Mrs. B was balling, she was a wreck and crying, and said she was going home. Joe laughed and said "Yea she won't be coming back" It was about 20-25 minutes when the VP came into t


Text - I sat down and the VP said "Well, I would like to inform you that Mrs. B has been terminated effectively immediately, with this being said after your performance review, and looking over your numbers you are our top sales rep in this location and deserve nothing short of stellar remarks on your review and you'll be getting that" I said "Thank you, I do have one question?" he said "Sure, anything" "How do I apply for new sales manager job that just opened up"


Text - Mr. VP laughed and said "You sure do you like to strike while the iron is hot don't you?" I said I do, he said he would let the location manager know and l'd be able to put in my application. I thanked him and he said "No, thank you In my 35 years of being in sales and sales management that was by far the most interesting performance review I have ever witnessed" I did not end up getting promoted, I ended up quiting shortly after this


Text - I ended up quitting shortly after this because they decided to not promote me and instead hired a guy with no sales experience to be our sales manager, and this rubbed me the wrong way. Also our service department sucked and couldn't deliver on what I was selling, and another company offered me more money

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