Thursday, May 21, 2020

Random And Entertaining Tumblr Gems

Tumblr is the gift that just keeps on giving. It's a place that celebrates all of our strangest thoughts, fandoms, obsessions, observations, etc. You haven't really lived yet until you've fallen with a reckless abandon down a Tumblr rabbit hole or two. For instance, this Tumblr thread about how dwarves have hyper intelligent beards. That's a good starting place. 


Text - guardiankarenterrier have a weird story because my family is weird as hell my parents tried to have kids for seven years and were trying to adopt when mom found out she was pregnant my great-grandfather, who my mom really looked up to, died a month before i was born, and right before he died he told my mom 'you're gonna have twins. the girl should be older but the boy will be' (mom hadn't discussed the pregnancy very much with anyone at this point because... seven years, so he didn't actu


Text - fartgallery me: you know that according to schrödinger, anything you put in a box is both dead AND alive everyone at the funeral: *nervously stares at coffin* physticuffs schrödinger would have hated this interpretation of his work and i am HERE for it cipheramnesia He might be rolling over in his grave. Or not. Source: fartgallery


Text - lezbianz "coming of age" books and movies are so stupid like being a teenager isn't about having sex and going to parties it's about staring out your car window after hanging out with your old best friends who you haven't seen in months and realizing that you aren't actually friends anymore and that your childhood has been well and truly dead since you were thirteen Source: lezbianz 137,379 notes


Text - mooonbride The funniest part about unlikeable geek men is they really are fully convinced people don't like them because of their hobbies. They cannot even begin to process the idea that comics and D&D and shit have in fact always been kinda cool and their personslities might just be repulsive. The combined unwavering ego/persecution complex is... unreal. mooonbride "I was socially rejected because I like video games" no tyler, you were socially rejected because you turn every conversatio


Text - JB KNOCKOUT @JbKnockout I feel sorry for Netflix era kids. They will never know the high stakes adrenaline of running to the bathroom/fridge/ bedroom in a single ad break, with the beckoning call of a sibling screaming "It's ONNNNNN" to send you hurdling over furniture to get back in time. srsfunny Couldn't you just pause it usedkarma oh my sweet summer child


Text - REI tilthat TIL that in 2002, a researcher found that the average 8-year-old British child could identify 80% of Pokémon, but only 50% of common wildlife species via sirobvious Common wildlife species don't normally yell their names at you


Text - simulatedstars. jonasbrothers: justintimerblake: babemagneto: does the 'science side of tumblr' actually exist??? science side of tumbir what do you think? protons science side sounds quite positive today


Text - lesbianshepard i love when professors try to use modern slang to relate to students. my professor referred to the theater of pompey as "the place where caesar got vibe checked by a bunch of senators" and i lost it. lesbianshepard Vibe Check (1806) by Vincenzo Camuccini 164,527 notes


Text - wordswithkittywitch You can end one of these forever, which do you pick? Cringe culture Callout culture Cancel culture thatdumbasschicken Culture wordswithkittywitch Fair enough.


Text - neeetsocks no language should be mocked other than french hypallepse Birds is "oiseaux" in French. No letter is pronunced the way it should. And there are seven of them. teaboot ITS PRONOUNCED "WAZO" AND YES, I WILL DIE MAD ABOUT IT judgejudyofficial oiseaux hits every vowel in the french alphabet and manages to only be pronounced with 2 goddamn syllables genderfluidintake got vowels coming out the oiseaux


Text - peenslayer: in australia we actually have a tv channel called '7mate' well in britain we have a tv channel called 'dave' and if you missed a programme on it, you can watch that programme an hour later on their other channel called 'dave ja vu' in america we have this tv channel called FOX and it's not even about foxes it just has lies so that's what the fox says


Organism - mangochannel: catbountry: bogleech: IT'S A HUMMINGBEE These are BEE FLIES! Harmless to everything else, these precious little cutie pies sneak their eggs into beehives, where their larvae can parasitize bee larvae and eat their food reserves! Simultaneously adorable and insidious! fairy types.


Text - Cethan Leahy @CethanLeahy Me: oh wow, this shop has everything my heart desires! Spooky shopkeeper: yes, I will warn you... every item comes with a price. Me: yes, I know how shops work kittydesade Spooky Shopkeeper: The price may be more than you expect to pay. Me: Yes, I know how US taxes work, too. del3141 Shopkeeper, increasingly exasperated: I'm trying to tell you that I'm evil and offering these wares with no regard for the harm they will do! Me, also increasingly exasperated: I kno


Text - officialunitedstates what's with these people telling me l'm "full of myself"?? of course l'm full of myself what else is my body supposed to be full of rumblespheres bees


Text - crystalmethalicious I don't think people realise how hard it is to re-discover the person you were before depression or even try to remember your own personality threedollarwine and if you've had depression since early childhood you don't even know if you have your own personality you didn't have time to be a person before depression and it's scary having no idea who you are IC 424,894 notes


Text - ol miir4ge i think the concept of a software install wizard is so cute... developers know the average person isnt comfortable running terminal commands so theyre like here!!! this wizard will do it for you <3 and we're all like yay :) the wizard


Text - dragon-in-a-fez consider: teenagers aren't apathetic about everything they're just used to you shitting all over whatever they show excitement about lunarcanine Teen: *gets a job* "I GOT THE JOB!" Parents: Well, when I was your age, I already had 5 jobs and was supporting my family Source: dragon-in-a-fez


Atmospheric phenomenon - MIKE AIR JUST DO IT. RUN. BECAUSE OF WHAT'S OUT THERE. shorm: This is supposed to be motivating, but mostly it just. comes off as slightly threatening. Just do it. Run. Because of what's out there. Right beHIND YOU DID YOU NOT HEAR ME RUN


Text - austin-n-oli Confession: I have a friend who likes to text me at like 4am when he's had nightmares or he can't sleep or he just needs a friend. He thinks I'm always awake at 4am but really I go to bed around 12am and I change his text-tone to the loudest one I have just so it wakes me up when he needs me. l-ibellule you're the kind of friend everyone needs austin-n-oli I think that since its been a year sinceI made this post its time for an update. In the past year I've watched this post


Hat - generalgrievousdatingsim ratfriends Follow patrickvaill If you don't propose with this don't fuckin bother bunjywunjy *me, kneeling with tears in my eyes* WE-haw. bienenstok Will you be my pardner? Source: patrickvaill

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