Wednesday, April 1, 2020

People's Most Expensive Mistakes

Someone on AskReddit kickstarted a thread about people's most costly mistakes. Some mistakes have a knack for wiping out the wallet, depleting all the funds, and ultimately teaching folks very expensive lessons. But sometimes, there's no lesson to be learned. It was just an honest accident. 


Text - Tobouyen • 8h Spending all my bitcoins back in the days way before they went through the roof. I bought a box of mixed tea for 2,5 million dollars


Text - overanxious_octopus • 8h Marriage


Text - disgruntled_joe • 7h My fair share of failed college classes


Text - iratticated • 7h Getting a Journalism degree.


Text - catsbluepajamas • 6h Selling the condo I owned outright with no mortgage and putting it all towards a new life with my ex long term relationship partner who later cheated on me and left me after 9 years. He got the house. I left with a quarter of the money I sunk into it. Lesson learned for me. I'm a dumbass.


Text - 100-billion-galaxies • 6h This was the most expensive relative to the amount of money I had at the time: in middle school, my family went to Niagara Falls. I spent all my money (that l'd saved from birthdays and the paper route) on keychains from that one place. It was over $50. It still haunts me today


Text - GGOONNZZOO • 6h I got scammed by a dentist for a custom mouthpiece to help stop grinding my teeth at night. She said my insurance would cover it, got a bill for $3000. The piece doesn't fit in my mouth anymore because my teeth have shifted. It's been 5 years I try not to think about it, but it comes up in the back of my mind randomly. Just to clarify, it's a piece of cheap plastic they made out of a mold. Definitely not worth that much money.


Text - TheFartGallery • 8h Bought a ton of expensive skincare and it didn't suit my skin. Had a bad reaction to it and had to toss it all in the bin.


Text - NoctheMighty • 7h I asked for a dev to make a change on our website to test something. Forgot about the test as things got hectic. Turns out that dropped the lead count by 60% for about a month. Cost the company well over 200k. Nobody knew it was me :)


Text - Leaving my car unlocked back in 2013. I was just starting my career as a photographer/ photojournalist. After work one day I went on a date with a girlI met. I didnt want to carry my camera with me so I left my gear in the car and went hiking with her. In my nervousness I forgot to lock my doors. Came back and someone opened my car door and stolen all my camera gear and laptop. Almost $10,000 in gear gone. Couldn't go through insurance because the car wasn't 'broken into' and the police c


Text - PorchCat1234•6h Wouldn't seem that expensive now But when I was 16 I was laying on my back with my laptop propped up on my legs. It slipped and landed on my face. Snapped my glasses in half and caused the laptop screen to crack and black out. My parents gave me the option to pay my laptop in full and they'd buy my glasses Or I could pay half of both. I don't remember which I did but it was a few hundred dollars either way.


Text - Desner_ • 6h Put my brand new 2000$ camera on top of my car while wrapping up my stuff. Forget it there, drive off. Camera falls off, gets hit by another car. Now either stuck with a broken 2000$ camera or put 1000$ in repair.


Text - The-Demon-Crab • 4h When I was seven, I accidentally brought $800 worth of Star Wars movies. I kid you not, when my father finished scolding me, he stormed into the living room, sat down, turned on the TV and started watching The Clone Wars.


Text - minnrt • 6h Forgetting to check-in online for a flight. Never again


Text - crimsonblade55 • 6h Back when I was a QA for a major tech company, I missed a major but that was rerouting traffic improperly. It didn't get caught till a week later and basically cut off an entire revenue stream for the week.


Text - u_creative_username • 7h Buying a used car without checking it thoroughly. It broke down completely 5 months later and i had to buy a new one


Text - SewbNewb • 7h Accepted a client I wasn't really equipped to handle and ended up having to have another company fix the work l'd attempted. Embarrassing mistake but I feel I handled it well both professionally and morally. The client still uses my services.


Text - paco3346 • 6h I used to work for a company that did backhaul fiber. I was responsible for the code that generated all billing and customer invoices. One time we were tweaking the logic that determines if a customer was billed through the end of the day or the start of the day when they cancelled. Got the bitwise operator wrong and despite review by finance it got approved. Cost $20k even though it only happened for 1 billing cycle.


Text - sirchickeneggmaster • 4h Buying Duke Nukem forever on the day it came out. Worst spend 60 euro's ever


Text - -reddug- • 6h Forgot to put the cap back on after filling up the coolant in my car. Then boiling my engine on the highway... 5000$ for a new engine, just because of a fucking cap...


Text - rikishocker • 5h Getting into collectibles and figure when I was younger Now I have all these things that I don't really want anymore, are taking up space, and have for the most part not retained the value I bought them for


Text - omnitouchcorp • 6h Trusted a mechanic to put a motor in my truck. $3000+ for a pos motor that still had stick BLACK oil and the radiator fluid was filled with rust and oil


Text - aspinalll71286•5h Went to study at a place my friends studied at and said was good, it was not and was an incredible waste of 2 years of my life and money. All up the mistake cost 42,000 nzd Bought a laptop because we needed to supply our own hardware, looked up reviews read the specs all up pretty good, however mine runs like total garbage almost failed because of how useless it was itd take 20+ minutes to boot up, wiped the drive reinstalled windows didnt help, wanted to get and ssd but


Text - wake_up_homie • 7h I swapped price tags on a video game at Walmart to try to save $20. Never was arrested but the county had to come out to talk to me so they filed a civil suit. Probation cost me over $4k and shoplifting on my record cost me some opportunities. Worst part about the situation was I had plenty of money at the time but I was young and really dumb..


Text - BoredNDdude • 1h A fuck this 5 week trip to Vegas a few months ago that cost 24k right before the apocalypse and my job in oil and gas is done in a few weeks lol.


Text - 2001_toyota_corolla • 6h The story of the most expensive fart: So my parents were driving somewhere one day, and my dad ripped ass in the car. My mom rolled down the window because it smelled bad and she wanted to air out the car. Well, the window got stuck so it wouldn't roll back up. They drove all the way home with the window open, and had to get it fixed the next day. It cost around $3000.


White - CHAD_TDK • 6h I got married. Plot twist: twice.


Text - SteamSauce69•4h I sold my Xbox One for a GameCube, big mistake. Also SSBM is expensive af like, 70 dollars for the game?


Text - TuxedoCatSupremacist · 5h During my hopelessly romantic phase as a teen, I spent five years chasing after this one girl. Spent a lot of my allowance and hard-earned part-time money to woo her, including gifts, trips, events, and eating out. She never showed any appreciation nor reciprocated her feelings, but I thought one day l'd be able to change her mind. I ended up spending about $12,000 by the end. It was an important life lesson for me in many ways though. Gave me a lot of insights a

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