Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Landlord Threatens Guy With Eviction, He Goes Full Karen

When this guy found himself confronted by a landlord that was threatening him with an eviction, he decided to crack his knuckles, and go full Karen. The email he sent was art. Clearly, he was ready to capitalize on this opportunity to shade an inconsiderate, power-tripping landlord. 


Text - Jesse Case O @jessecase Ooooh my landlord just threatened to evict me if I don't pay this next month. A pre- emptive weird threat after my check is already in the mail and evictions are suspended anyway. I'm about to get Karen as fuck in an e-mail. This will be full Karen. FULL. KAREN.


Text - Jesse Case @jessecase Karen AF. You can be on month to month 3 moths then you will need to give a 60 day notice to stay or move out. Thanks, Kerri


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Text - n month to month 3 moths then you will need to give a 60 day notice ve out. PROPERTIES Thank you for letting me be month to month for 3 moths. I appreciate your e well-being of the rent checks during this trying time. My check has been in the


Text - Jesse Case @jessecase *cracks knuckles at laptop*


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Text - Linda E Campbell @EdieSargeant Replying to @jessecase and @skyladawn A little bit presumptive of the landlord huh??? I am a landlord and that isn't quite what I would do, or so far have done with this extraordinary situation.


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Text - HughBD @JQP7592 Replying to @jessecase 3 moth rent is pretty cheap. I'm paying 4 moths and 2 crickets plus utilities.


Text - CANNIBAŁVEGETABŁE @... ·12h Replying to @JQP7592 and @jessecase "4 moths and 2 crickets? In this economy?" - frogs probably 12

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