Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Man Accidentally Sends Private Message To Whole Company

This guy accidentally sent an email intended for a certain set of eyes, to the whole company. One can only imagine what kind of panic and embarrassment he must've experienced upon the realization that he'd sent the email to a whole lot more people than intended. Oh well. It must've been a good laugh for the rest of the people that got to see it. 


Text - r/tifu + JOIN u/degrudv • 3d 1 1 1 TIFU by sending a "private" message to my whole company. Like many men, this quarantine gave me (a 35yo Male) a good opportunity to grow out a beard. So, I'm on a Sales Department WebEx Call (probably 300 people) and since no one has seen me in about a month, it was


Text - a bit of a surprise to see me with facial hair. A friend at the company privately messages me through WebEx, "Dude what happened to your face?" I thought it would be funny to reply with "Good News! I finally hit puberty!!!" except that message wasn't private - it went to everyone on the call... like everyone - without any context around it. Just imagine sitting there on a company webex call listening to the SVP of Sales and out of nowhere your coworker sends you a message saying "Good New


Text - Slickguy2000 • 3d 3 1 Award Next month's company newsletter: "We'd like to congratulate team member 'degrudv' on finally hitting puberty. Please join us in helping him navigate this confusing time."

4. Seriously.

Text - jandmboggess2015 • 3d That's funny though. Anyone with a sense of humor would laugh

5. Oh boy.

Text - OkVolume1 • 3d I was one late to a Webex and opened with "Better Late Than Pregnant." Thanks Blanche Devereaux. Took me a minute to realize I (a guy) had just said that out loud.

6. Beautiful.

Text - emailrob • 3d An intern at my old company years ago send an email to his team. Wanted to know who wanted to play football| (soccer) that night. Trouble is, he sent it to the wrong list. 500,000 people

7. Ouch.

Text - Kalmish • 3d A long time ago in the 90s, my father did the same thing. We were both in the army and he sent me a joke email about the stupidity of officers. Unfortunately, that was in the early days of IT in the Canadian military and they hadn't clamped down on who you could and couldn't send it to and somehow the To: address turned into **. It went to the Chief of Defence Staff right on down to the lowest private that had military wan access. He had to sit through several lectures on com

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