Saturday, August 5, 2023

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

This customer has a life hack to get into any store. All you have to do is take a little initiative. What could go wrong? 

U/Sparrowmoss shared this wild story of customer entitlement. Some customers take deep offense to stores being closed, or having hours of operation in general. If the customer can't get that random item at 10:59pm, they'll insist that the store is in the wrong. It's not the employee's fault that customers procrastinate so badly that they intend to shop at a store that's closing in five minutes or less. They have no regard for employees, either. This OP even told the customer that they were quite ready to head home for the day, but who knows if the guilt trip worked on this confused customer. 

It seems like a lot of customers are so crabby because they've never worked a retail job. They don't care that employees are people too — they just need to get that last-minute carton of milk or a random shirt. They just have to try again tomorrow! 

Up next, here's another story about a customer who couldn't understand common sense and logic: she wanted help from the only employee who wasn't able to assist her. 

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