Thursday, August 24, 2023

'[Our neighbor's mother] will just take the spot whenever she wants': Neighbor's mother demands couple's reserved parking spot

Nothing sends neighbors over the edge like a good ol' fashioned parking dispute. These petty feuds can rage on over shared and even private spaces, with proverbial jousting taking place through any means necessary.

When it comes to parking in densely populated areas, let's face it—tensions can run high… with tenants being driven to great lengths to secure shared parking spots, arguing endlessly about who deserves what spot more. But when it comes to private, reserved, or even deeded parking spaces, there shouldn't be much argument to be had. Yet, inexplicably there are those neighbors who still feel entitled to park in a spot that belongs to someone else by rule.

This poster faced a predicament when they found that their car had been stolen—but when it was returned in July, it became the least of their issues. Their neighbor's mother started parking in their reserved parking space while the car was missing and continued even after it was returned, even after being told to stop. This hasn't been a huge issue since, even after being returned, the car was still in the repair shop. But now, she's insisting that she will continue using the spot even after the car is returned in October, demanding its use as if it was her right. With encouragement from commenters, the poster is considering calling a tow truck if and whenever the mother parks in their spot.

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