Thursday, August 3, 2023

‘Our eyes met; she knew it was up to me': Employee uses promotion to shut down boss's retail store, leading to boss's termination

Don't bite the hand that feeds you… unless of course, that hand isn't yet feeding you. Sometimes you can't know these things beforehand. As told by u/kaltics, this is a story of petty revenge that went a little further than initially intended. OP was working as a retail store manager but was promptly demoted during a mass redundancy thanks to their boss and the obvious managerial differences they had between them. Upper management, huh? OP was mad enough that they were seriously considering quitting and going to work somewhere else, but in the end, they were glad that they stayed.

Bouncing from store to store within the company, OP finally landed a position for the company's call center development and processes team. Some more time went by, and soon enough, the time for some petty revenge had arrived. In other words, the opportunity presented itself at the perfect moment. OP was given the power, so to say, to decide which retail stores within the company would be a part of a new sales experiment. The forecast was that this experiment would be very successful, so all the retail stores wanted in. During the meeting that this was to be discussed, OP noticed their old boss out of the corner of their eye.

If you guessed that OP took their advantage, you'd be correct. But OP's decision to keep their old boss's retail store out of the experiment didn't exactly go to their original plan… scroll down to read what happened next. For more, here is a waiter who demanded to be compensated for a $3,600 table who didn't leave a tip, then quit when they were denied said compensation.

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