Sunday, August 20, 2023

'Ok, Karen, not a problem': Company's food manufacturing manager gets an extra $950 and ups revenue over 30% all because of a Karen email he received

Humans will be humans and one of the most human things you can do is make a mistake. We're not perfect and that's beautiful. Can you imagine if everyone was perfect??? That sounds so boring and uncreative. Some mistakes should be celebrated, while others should be condemned—both will teach valuable lessons. So when you are a human, working with other humans, then you should always expect mistakes. Hope they won't happen, but don't be naive and pretend like they're impossible. 

Unfortunately, entitled Karens have infiltrated many human institutions and sometimes you have to work with one. This means that a mistake made is a personal attack on the Karen and it is an unbelievable/unforgivable act. On reddit, a manager of a food manufacturing plant had to deal with one of these Karens in the workplace. OP says he has worked as the manager for this food manufacturing plant for a while now and had always been pretty nice with their clients. One large client would even get a discount sometimes when they would over produce some food. They couldn't just keep the food, so they would just give the client the extra with no charge. 

However, this seemed to piss the Karen off and she sent a very rude and unprofessional email letting OP know. The numbers needed to number correctly, no matter the cost to her. Or, at least that's what it sounded like. So OP granted her that wish, and now their bill was over $950 more and going forward will be charged accordingly, meaning revenue is going up almost 33%. So, I guess everybody got what they wanted this time—the Karen got the numbers to match and OP got more money. Win win… I guess?

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