Saturday, August 19, 2023

'I made a spreadsheet that tells me when to stop working': Hotshot employee vows supreme mediocrity as payback after getting punished for going above-and-beyond

Some employees strive to be incredible at their jobs, while others slack off. Managers are supposed to be the corrective authorities who praise folks working hard, while reprimanding the mediocre bunch, but in some cases, upper management gets confused. Bad managers are so detached from the workplace that they actually scold and accuse their employees that are succeeding, knocking them down a peg to join the others in the cookie-cutter herd of amateurs. 

In this case, a data entry professional was excited about his new job. Eager to do the best he could, OP learned the fastest ways to complete his work every day and quickly skyrocketed to the top of the team. Threatened by his success or simply skeptical, managers came down hard on the prodigy new hire and launched an offensive 'investigation', suggesting that OP had cheated his number in some way. 

After pilfering through their top-performing employees workflow, management seemed satisfied with the legitimacy of his success and unappolagetically moved on. They had no interest in gleaning knowledge from the newbie and no intention of ever praising his good work, so OP created a system that would ensure that he would never go above-and-beyond again. 

Next, check out this story of instant karma on the freeway where a bad driver got tricked into going 50mph over the speed limit in front of some cops.

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