Friday, August 4, 2023

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

The cafeteria chefs who cook for public school kids are doing a very important job, but the meals they serve up can sometimes miss the mark. 

I want to take this opportunity to use my platform to talk about Italian dunkers. These were a top tier lunch food, and as a very picky child, it was my saving grace. These Italian dunkers were basically just mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped inside dough, but they tasted heavenly. Looking back, giving an 8-year-old four cheese sticks for lunch with a side of milk and an apple feels like an odd choice, but it kept me going. I know there's an unfortunate looking hot dog in the mix of photos here. Hot dogs were a great choice too, although I wish my school would have taken them out of the hot dog water before serving them up (making the hot dog bun quite soggy). 

If you've been through the public school system, you know that the fine lunchroom staff have a limited budget to make food for hundreds or even thousands of kids. It may not always be the best food, but it is a meal, and sometimes that's what really counts. It's better to have a lunch that's just meh, rather than be falling asleep in every class because you're so hungry. 

Speaking of food, this woman went to r/AmItheA**hole to ask an important question: was she wrong for telling her SIL that she dislikes her "famous" mac and cheese?

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