Monday, August 21, 2023

'Don't make your tenants do your job': Determined tenant uses data analyst skills to research soaring water prices, leading to entire leasing office getting fired by corporate

Problems arise in apartment complexes all the time; I should know, I lived in one. A lot of complexes use rent payment portals, because they're safe, secure, and allow landlords to collect payments online and keep track of everything, nice and tidy. Or at least, they are supposed to be. OP shared that they lived in an apartment complex that was acquired by a new management company, which switched the resident and rent payment portals. To say that this move caused disruptions would be an understatement.

OP was one of those tenants who checked the portal to make sure that their bills were in order, and that they weren't being overcharged. Well, as luck would have it, one time when OP was analyzing the portal, they found that they were being charged double for water. After contacting the front office to inquire about the increase, they were told that it was due to a water district decision, and the complex had 'no control over it'.

OP didn't buy it, not for one second. As it turns out, many people were receiving bigger bills, which led OP to investigate, along with one of their friends from the complex, Cole, who was a data analyst, and knew how to do extensive research. One thing led to another, and corporate got involved. To find out what happened, scroll down. Then, a woman refused to send back a twelve hundred dollar check after she received the money accidentally from a medical company her father used to use.

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