Monday, August 7, 2023

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

Pizzas that are this bizarre make us feel philosophical. At what point does a pizza, loaded up with the most random toppings you can think of, cease to be a pizza pie

For example, if you take a ball of pizza dough, add some white sauce, and then add lemon slices on it, and bake the pizza... Is that item still a pizza? Or has it transformed into another dish entirely?

Yes, I am talking about the Ship Of Theseus paradox, which asks how many planks of wood could be replaced on a boat until it becomes a new boat entirely. How much must one stray from the original toppings and sauces of a pizza until it's a whole new food item? Please join in these philosophical musings after you check out the pizzas and "pizzas" below. 

These creative chefs are answering the paradox for us with their incredible concoctions. It seems like a lot of these pizzas hail from Brazil. The Brazilian pizzas take toppings as a personal challenge: these pies need to have a full meal on top of them. Some chefs are even plopping entire desserts onto the top of the same dinner-topped pizza! I can't imagine the taste sensations that run through your mouth as you take a bite. But someone must be eating and loving them, because they're still being fired up in the oven. 

When you're done with these slices and ready for seconds, check out some students who showed off their most unappetizing school lunches ever. 

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