Tuesday, July 18, 2023

'You're a terrible manager!': Karen accosts random dude after incorrectly assuming he is the restaurant's manager, gets served

It turns out we might not be very good at doing a job that isn't actually ours, and that shouldn't come as much of a surprise, except to people like this Karen who refuse to listen to you when you tell them that you don't actually work there. Sure, we've all probably mistaken a complete stranger for an employee of the establishment we're patronizing, but continuing to insist that they must work there and are doing their job poorly after being corrected is downright insane.

This college student found himself in a Karen's crosshairs when she mistook him for the restaurant's manager. When she insisted, he decided to play her game and have a little fun with it. The college student went on to share his experience with Reddit's r/idontworkherelady subreddit community. This subreddit is a haven for stories where innocent bystanders and other customers have been mistaken by someone who assumes that they are an employee. This often paves the way for some great stories about Karens and Kevins and gives people in the service industry a great source of entertainment. 

Read on for the student's account of events. When you're done here, see this dude who was fired from a store where he didn't even work.

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