Wednesday, July 12, 2023

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, however, one part-time employee for a fast food restaurant had just celebrated over 30 years with the same company before deciding to retire, becoming one of the few diligently faithful workers left on this Earth. However, his devotion was rewarded with insult.

OP is the longtime neighbor and good friend of this hardworking employee and recently went to his retirement party to celebrate this accomplishment. Knowing that his neighbor rarely missed a shift and had loyally served his company for decades, he asked a relative if the company had done anything special to congratulate and thank the retiree, but he was shocked when he heard their reply.

Scroll for the full story on how OP was baffled at the pathetic 'gift' that the corporation bestowed on their loyal subject and the Internet backlash that ensued when he shared this unfair reality online. For more tales about employees that are under-appreciated and underpaid, check out this article about a man who was fired for catching a cold then begged to return to his post after two years of the company being unable to fill his position. 

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