Monday, July 31, 2023

'Team morale took an absolute nosedive': Company loses two largest clients after firing employee

If there is one thing worse than an annoying boss, it's an annoying coworker. This coworker in particular got promoted, presumably because they were related in some way or another to upper management. That wouldn't be so terrible if they had any work morale whatsoever. Ten years ago, OP was working in a company that did salary packaging. The service that the company offered was basically collecting mortgage statements, rental agreements, credit card bills etc., and then advising their clients' payroll department how much money could be given tax-free to each employee in their pay.

The company was pretty successful, and OP was a client favorite. One day, the company made a big mistake, hiring a woman we'll call 'Rachel', who, according to OP, was awful at her job. OP had no clue how she had managed to snag a role but was further surprised when she actually got promoted. From then on, things just kept on going downhill. Finally, the operations manager called a meeting with OP and the other employees, who didn't exactly shy away from telling their boss all about Rachel and her lack of work ethic.

Even though they were promised that the meeting was a 'safe space', it clearly wasn't, as things that were bad, became unbearable. OP was written up for any and everything, and they quickly realized what was going on. Scroll down to read what happened next. Furthermore, this resident got even with their neighbor who kept leaving their garbage in his trash can.

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