Friday, July 7, 2023

'She doesn't seem to care about speaking her mind': Outspoken employee blasts big boss manager tells her to 'rethink her future with the company'

This boss manages a team of people who recently got a new hire — and he thinks she isn't fitting into the company culture.  We roast a lot of bosses on this site, but we don't always get the story from their point of view. Managing people is a role that some people shine at, becoming the boss that everyone loves and feels they can talk to openly. But on the other hand, people management is not for everyone, a lesson that the commenters on this post strongly suggested the OP should learn.  U/tway12412421 wrote the r/AmItheA**hole, asking if he was wrong to give his employee an ultimatum for working at the company. As he explains it, his new hire has a habit of talking rudely to the director of the company, aka the OP's boss. This seems to be super embarrassing to the OP for some reason — it's like he thinks that everything she does is rude. At best, it seems like this woman is not a good fit for the (toxic) company culture. At worst, she is being rude, but that should be her problem to deal with. Instead, the OP is taking her snarky words to heart and getting upset over it.  His ultimatum to her is a true step too far… you can read the entire saga for yourself below, as well as the commenters who gave him some pointed advice. After that, this employee was told to "actually read the policy," so they sat down, read the fine print, and managed to make their company regret it. 

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