Sunday, July 23, 2023

'I went full Karen mode': New car haggler refuses to pay for pinstriped vehicle, dealership repaints his car overnight

Looking back on their new purchase in the 1990s, this person realized the car dealership got away with something intriguing. 

This is a story of a person buying a car in the 1990s, and one of the first things they claim is that these days, the "era of haggling" is over. Though I've never bought a car, I find that hard to believe. When purchasing a car, it's well known that people like to haggle with the salespeople to try and get a great deal for themselves. Meanwhile, the salespeople often have a reputation for trying to sneak in additional up-sales that will net them some extra commission money. The salesperson in this story seems a bit like that — he tried to add on a rather high charge for a specific way of painting the car. 

I want to ask an important question here. If you're visiting a car dealer, and you're inspecting a car on the second floor of the dealership, and you move the gear shift to neutral, will the car roll out the front window and smash onto the ground, and then you are stuck purchasing the car and fixing the dealership's property? Or would the car not move an inch because they've idiot-proofed their vehicles in anticipation of someone (me) wanting to do that? Who among us has not asked that question while in that scenario? If you've ever worked at a car dealership, spill the tea to me. Inquiring minds want to know, thanks in advance. 

Next up, these chunky animals are some absolute units who are built for feed, not speed. 

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