Wednesday, July 26, 2023

'I left the lid open for good measure': Resident gets even with neighbor who kept using their trash can, placing bin by their patio

Every apartment/home comes with a unique set of problems, unless you're Bill Gates, of course. Either your boiler keeps breaking down, your roof is leaking, or a pipe burst. Perhaps you don't have any of the above issues, but your neighbors are an absolute pain to deal with. Well, in that case, join the club… See, I've had a neighbor or two who made it their mission to make my life as miserable as possible, so I can definitely relate to OP, who was fed up with his own neighbor's rude antics. Yep, OP was certainly struggling…

Instead of using their own trash cans, OP's neighbors were using his. Not only were they using them, but they were disposing of some questionable items. If you're thinking, 'Gross', then yeah, it really is. Scroll down to read how OP dealt with his rowdy, infuriatingly rude neighbors. For more, here is a tenant who came home after vacation only to find out that his landlord had rented out his home.

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