Friday, July 14, 2023

'Do not iron while wearing shirt': 20 funny signs and labels for careless folks

There's a reason why everyone tells you to always read the label first. For one, as your mother probably told you growing up, you don't want to purchase, eat, wear, or try anything that might cause any damage whatsoever. However, in addition to that far more important reason, there's also the fact that if you don't read your signs and labels, you might be missing out on some quality content. I mean, there really is nothing quite like reading a sign and doing an immediate "Did I read that right?" double take. 


These sign memes, tweets, and fails, which were compiled by otisermac, are further proof that people can be careless, foolish, and very very funny. Some of these signs include warnings about opening a pizza box before eating your pizza (I mean, how else would one eat a slice?), a message to "beware of invisible cows" (I'm sorry… what?), and a classic, completely futile "don't eat the cookie dough" message that everyone will likely ignore. Let us enjoy our raw cookie dough. We know it's not good for us, but we do it anyway. There's no need to waste your time making a sign about it. But I digress…


Keep scrolling below for this collection of sign fails. When you're finished, take a look at this list of workplace memes and this compilation of top Tinder moments.

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