Monday, July 10, 2023

Customers found the letters and walked out before ordering': Employee attempts to tank boss's restaurant hiding letters around entire restaurant explaining why he quit

Working in customer service of any kind can be one of the most challenging things you do in your life. But when your boss is worse than the customers, that's when you know it's time to go. In this case, OP was working as a server at an upscale steak restaurant. The money was good, but the management wasn't. His boss would constantly berate the employees, tell them that they were lucky he even hired them and cheaped out on fixing equipment that posed a safety issue. The only reason OP stayed at the time, was because of the money. But after a particularly frustrating incident, OP realized that they couldn't stay a second longer, at least not in good faith. So, OP quit… but they did it in such a way that would ensure everyone would know just how terrible management was. So OP devised a petty plan for revenge, one that was well deserved. They wrote up a very descriptive letter, explaining why exactly they were quitting, and left it all around the restaurant for customers to find. When OP's boss inevitably found out what was going on, he was absolutely livid. Scroll down to read what happened next. For more, here is an employee who got even with his boss who demanded to know his whereabouts at all times.

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