Wednesday, June 14, 2023

'[This] is an act of war!': Laundry room hijacker gets what he deserves after throwing his neighbor's wet clothes on the floor; clothes are held hostage after petty revenge ensues

Laundry room etiquette isn't something you can learn from a book or read in a magazine. You learn about laundry rules from being in the trenches at the laundromat, slinging quarters for an extra 15 minutes to nuke your clothes and still have them come out a little damp. The fury you feel after experiencing a laundromat faux pas is what teaches you right from wrong. Are there no dryers left because someone forgot their clothes for 2 hours? Now that's a classic blunder– you can probably feel your blood boiling just at the thought. But as civilians in communal society, what's the right thing to do if you're put in a bind and your neighbors are being entitled jerks? Do you touch someone else's clothes in a blind rage? Or act according the standard grace period?  In this case, OP got royally disrespected in the laundry room and fell victim to an over-compensating, entitled jerk for after being 5 minutes late for his washer alarm and leaving his clothes unattended. OP returned to discover his beloved clothing soiled and soaking wet in a pile on the floor. Furious, he enacted the pettiest revenge possible on the culprit.  Scroll on for the juicy details and the Reddit backlash that lays out proper laundry etiquette for anyone who is uneducated on the social construct of the laundromat. For more riotous tales of entitled people in the wild, check out this story about a mom who refuses to pay for her daughter's life-changing surgery because it falls on her birthday.

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