Tuesday, June 20, 2023

'The manager then tells him they cannot have 35 pizzas ready': Customer escorted from pizza place after manager tips himself $125

There are no winners in the tipping debate, but this dude decided to ask people on the internet if they thought he handled this the right way.  As u/Thatsweatyguy4 wrote in their post to r/AmItheA**hole, they and their little brother found themselves in an awkward situation with the manager of a pizza place. Basically every human being loves pizza, so it makes sense that the brother, an intern who organized a food drive, picked the universally beloved food to serve. They planned to give a pizza lunch to the floor in the office that donated the most money. As the OP writes, on a Monday, their bro called up a pizza joint to enquire about ordering a LOT of pizza — 35 pies, to be exact.  From there, though, it seems like the pizza place gave this guy the runaround. After telling him to call back on Wednesday morning to confirm the order, suddenly the manager on duty starts saying they can't do such a big order. That's not even what got the brother upset! He agreed to try again the following week. The red flags were there, but it was too late for this guy, who got roped into a crazy situation when he finally did retrieve his pizza pies.  In the comments, most people agreed that the pizza place was at fault, and some even suggested the brother contact his credit card company to tell them what happened. Scroll down to check out the story of these brothers and their pizza conquest. After that, check out these laughable questions people decided to ask, such as, "How tall are your 6-foot ladders?"

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