Thursday, June 22, 2023

'I'm not a Karen I swear': Woman walks out of hair appointment after stylist roasts her 'weedwhacker' haircut

This woman is wondering if she's the reason her latest haircut went so poorly.  Recently on Twitter, people were discussing "haircut trauma," with some people mocking the idea, and more serious folks knowing exactly what that meant. Hair is a very important indicator of oneself, after all, it's one of the first things people notice about you, and one of the ways you are judged upon first impressions. So if you've ever had a hair stylist botch your hair really badly, you know that it can be a rough experience until those strands grow back. Even if your hair looks great afterward, the wrong stylist can make you want to avoid getting your hair cut ever again if they make you feel bad during the process. It seems like that was the case with this person, u/Diligenttemporary, who found a hairstylist to cut her hair. But the OP failed to mention that she has a condition that makes her hair look a bit stragly, and instead kept silent about her condition during the cut. But that led to some unfortunate miscommunication, and the OP ended up walking out.  It seems like a lot of people are anxious or too shy to tell their stylist what they actually want. Of all the times to be shy and reserved, this is not it! Even a small miscommunication can have big implications for your hair. The difference between a bob and a trim can be easily mistaken, or your hair could easily be dyed bleach blonde when all you wanted was a light brown shade. Hopefully this person learns from the commenters, who gave her tips for how to communicate about her condition for the next time she gets a trim.  Up next, these 20 people had some hilariously silly questions that they just needed to ask. 

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