Saturday, June 10, 2023

'I had to kick out my cousin during my ceremony for crying': Bride cuts off cousin after she causes wedding pandemonium

An entitled parent just cannot believe the world doesn't revolve around her and her kids. As u/FlounderEffective819 shared in a shocking story, she was excited for her wedding, but was insistent that the big day should be child free. All the OP wanted was a special moment with her husband as she walked down the aisle. That's a pretty normal thing to want at a wedding reception, but one of the OP's family members, who has three young children, didn't take the "no kids" rule very well. It seems like these two cousins just do not get along, judging by their screaming match over the kids' behavior. Everyone else in the OP's family took the news well, but not the cousin… her "revenge" was so over-the-top petty that some people in the comments told the OP to simply never speak to her ever again. 

After that, this person's landlord has a pretty push request — can the tenant babysit their kids, indefinitely? 

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