Monday, June 5, 2023

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute

Everyone has had that moment of panic on Zoom when you thought you were on mute but you weren't. Now, there are a variety of scenarios that you might be familiar with when this kind of thing happens: perhaps you burped, perhaps you yawned, or perhaps you whispered something to your partner offscreen. However, if you were this Redditor, you would be wishing and hoping that one of those scenarios happened instead of what actually transpired.


What actually transpired was that this employee thought he was on mute but had the wrong output connected to his Zoom speakers when he cussed out his boss in an impulsive moment of commiseration. If you keep scrolling below to read the full play-by-play, you'll see that it's a pretty difficult situation to get out of. He's pretty much doomed no matter how he tries to spin or justify it. Check out what other people had to say in the comments. For more stories like this, here's a post about an employee whose salary was suddenly halved. 

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