Tuesday, May 9, 2023

'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

Who knew that paperclips had such power? This office manager decided they were sick of being underappreciated at work. They explained how their job basically included being receptionist, payroll, office manager, assistant, etc. all in one position. Not exactly sustainable and not exactly fair.


It turns out that their boss had an unruly habit of finding office issues for OP to handle, so OP developed ways to subtly get their revenge without any consequences. One way was to lower the length of their boss's office chair while they were out of the office getting lunch. The other way, however, is far more memorable. OP decided to photocopy a blank sheet of paper with a paperclip on it and hide the copies in the copier tray. That meant that whenever their boss used the photocopy machine, no matter what, there was a mysterious "ghost paperclip" on the copy. It turns out nothing was more infuriating for this ungrateful boss!


For more stories like this, here's one about a freelance worker's bad job interview.

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