Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Witty Work Memes for Weekday Soldiers With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (May 2, 2023)

Have you ever been triggered by a 'work smell' and had a fight-or-flight response because of it? Like when your first job was working at a Baskin Robbins and now the smell of melted ice cream makes you feel like you're getting fired? Or if you ever worked retail, there's that lingering smell of new clothing fibers that sticks in your nose, giving you flashbacks of every Karen trying to return something they got as a Christmas present in 2018. Looking at your current job, what's something that gives you PTSD? If your first thought is "everything", you might have a permanent case of the Mondays. The beginning of the week is something everyone dreads, but seldom understands. Obviously you have to work to pay those bills, but do we really have to right now? The coffee hasn't even kicked in yet and you're expected to flawlessly fill out these spreadsheets as if your manager will actually look at them. Hang in there, weekday soldier, keep repeating those mantras and you can get through this.

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