Monday, May 8, 2023

'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst

We've all been on flights where families try to negotiate with other passengers so they can sit together. There's a way to handle this kind of negotiation well, but this entitled mother did not exactly pull it off. First of all, when you're trying to trade seats with someone, you have to think of a way that benefits the other passenger (perhaps it's a window or an aisle seat, perhaps it's closer to the front of the plane, etc.) You also have to be open to compromises or other alternatives. For example, if there are four family members, maybe they can split up into groups of two. In short, there are several mutually beneficial ways to go about this.


However, here we have an entitled mother who clearly wasn't really thinking in the best interest of her children. She was purely thinking about herself and the fact that she wanted a window seat. Thankfully, the Redditor did not give in and could even see how apologetic the mother's kid was. This clearly wasn't the first time her mother threw a tantrum like this. 


Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, here's another post about a male Karen who made a scene at the store.

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