Friday, May 5, 2023

‘Next time, say please': Couple posts neighbors' sawhorses on Craigslist as ‘free’ after parking debacle

New neighbors can bring about a carnival of chaos, simultaneously disrespecting you and your property, feeling entitled to your parking space, etc. Put simply, it's a hit or a miss. You're either very fond of them, find them tolerable, or despise their very presence. In this case, OP took to r/pettyrevenge, explaining how they got even with their (frankly, normal) neighbors. OP got upset over a 'rude note' that their neighbors left on the windshield of their car after OP had parked on their property. The note read, 'Do not park here', and OP couldn't get over the 'inexcusable' fact that they hadn't added the word, 'Please'. 

So OP hatched a plan for revenge, which consisted of posting a local ad on Craiglist, listing the sawhorses their neighbors put on their driveway as 'free', including a pickup address. The sense of entitlement on this one is kind of flabbergasting. Scroll down to read what happened next. For more stories like this one, here is an employee who maliciously complied with her boss after she was given a ridiculous uniform that didn't suit their job, and was told to 'stay at their desk'.

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