Wednesday, May 31, 2023

'He's a compulsive liar': Coworker always one-ups everyone else in the office, gets caught in a lie, HR intervenes

We all have that one coworker... you know who I mean. The one whose stories seem so heightened they can't be real. The one who constantly has to make their social life seem better than yours. Or if you're having a bad day, they're likely to step in and make it clear that their day is ten times worse than yours. This useless competitive attribute is likely a symptom of blind narcissism, extreme insecurity, or, if the coworker you're thinking of is anything like this Redditor's coworker, they could be a compulsive, pathological liar.


In this instance, we have a coworker whose lies became so transparent that the other folks in the office had to call him out sooner or later. It was almost inevitable at this point. So when OP was sharing with his coworkers that his nephew is a nationally ranked wrestler and the entitled coworker insisted that his nephew was even better at wrestling, well, let's just say the claws came out and HR had to step in.


For more stories like this, here's one about a messy workplace after the cleaning lady quit.

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