Wednesday, April 19, 2023

'The war on Toyotathon starts earlier every year': Car salesman and his manager get in a fist fight at the dealership, hilarity ensues in the comment section

Everyone knows that there's a ton of tension on the sales floor of a car dealership. Salesmen lurk like predators near the coffee pot waiting for unsuspecting young couples to show up and show a shred of interest in an overpriced new car that's exactly the same as the model the year prior. But little does that couple know, there's a whole gaggle of over-amped salesmen in the wings, fighting each other off for the chance to upsell another client to buy something they can't afford. 

Sometimes, that competitive nature get's the best of these commission-fueled heavy weights, and salesmen can get into tiffs that turn disastrous. 

A customer in the waiting room recently caught the most TMS-style footage of salesmen floor warfare this weekend. In the video, a car salesman gets in a brawling, multi-man fist fight with his own manager right there in the middle of the Toyota dealership. We get that sometimes you want to punch your boss, but most of us would never be insane enough to actually do it. However, this burly, gold-chained, hairy handed car salesman had reached his limit and the tension was simply too much. 

The comment section of the video is debatably the most hilarious. While it's clear that the fight itself is very entertaining, the commentary really makes the experience worth while. We'd give this comment section a 5/5 on service and ingenuity, making us suddenly really want to get a Corolla.

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