Monday, April 17, 2023

‘That is my personal time’: Employee tells coworker she can’t stay late, gets caught having a solo picnic

Look, this lady doesn't seem like the best person in the world to work with, but she's also not wrong. It's not her fault that she's highly efficient at her job and often wraps up her duties on the early side. 


When her coworker asked if she could stay a little late to help her out with finishing a project, this Redditor apologized and said she had other plans. Now, did she have other plans? No. Could the coworker have asked for that extra help a little earlier if she really wanted to make it to her daughter's recital on time? Probably, unless this was some kind of emergency. Now, when OP was caught leisurely reading in the park later that day, she did not have to tell her coworker that her personal time was more important than the daughter's recital. That might be true, but yikes! A bit harsh, much?


Keep scrolling below for the full story. For more, check out this post about a nosy mom who keeps setting her son up on dates!

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