Thursday, April 13, 2023

'[She] thought this meant "we" won the money': Lotto winner's family insists on sharing her $50,000 prize, while the winner wants it all for her baby

Should you ever win the lottery, don't tell a soul until you lawyer up! 

Winning the lottery changes people's lives, but whether that's for better or worse is up to the winner's money habits. This 35 year old woman beat the odds and won a big sum from a scratch off card. Since she's pregnant, she decided the $50,000 would go to her future baby, so that the child can have a great life in the future. However, that's not the only child in the picture here! The OP has a fiancĂ©, and the fiancĂ© has a 14 year old kid from another relationship. 

The OP writes that since she's engaged to this guy, he and his daughter think they should get some of that sweet moolah. This is why you get a lawyer before telling anyone about a lottery win — there's no easy way to turn down the many people in your life who will want a slice of that lotto money once you announce it. It's too bad the OP told her family. Now, she either has to give them some of the money she meant to give to her unborn baby, or she has to deal with some angry family members. 

Next, when a HOA jerk came around to insist a child get rid of her pet bunny, the neighbors shrugged and said, "Enjoy the bunnypocalypse."

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