Sunday, April 9, 2023

‘I had a very misogynistic boss’: 'Good 'Ol Boy' manager finally gets busted for taking credit of female employee's work thanks to the IT department

The work culture might be changing these days in a more positive direction, at least in work edict. However, it still has a very long way to go and even when you just think back to the early '00s, we were still dealing with some pretty serious injustices in the workplace. For example, how women employees were treated. Harassment aside, they also just weren't taken seriously. It was extremely unfair and usually ended up with many females quitting or just never getting the justice they deserved. 

One woman on Reddit recently shared her story of defeating misogyny in the workplace and it is simply *chef's kiss*! She worked in a company in the early oughts that was mostly employed by men. And not just any old dudes, but extremely misogynistic men who believed women didn't belong in the workplace because they were too "emotional." (Even though testosterone is the hormone that makes anybody emotional and men are packed chalk full of that, but that's for another discussion…) She wasn't the revolutionary type and just kept her head down while she worked. Unfortunately, her misogynistic boss made sure he got credit for all the hard work she did and she didn't get any say in the matter. 

However, one day the president had a question about some numbers that she wrote, but he didn't know she wrote them. So he called in her toxic manager and he made a clown out of himself, unable to answer one question. The president called in IT and they were able to find the source of the work, and it was the female employee. The president called her in and she was able to answer all his questions and then some. 

That toxic manager got his butt chewed up and spit out back to him and then demoted. She had a pretty pleasant work environment for the rest of the time she was there. Excel really was fighting misogyny in the workplace since the early 2000s. 

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