Wednesday, April 26, 2023

'He actively discouraged overwork': People share tips from competent bosses who actually made sure their employees prioritized life over work

You can work and work and work until your fingers bleed and you haven't seen the sun, but you can never by back time with all that money you just earned—IF you even earned that much more money… Usually overtime isn't much, and even if it is, taxes take most of it away later. So are you really working for any sort of extra compensations actually? Or are you giving your employer precious time from your life that they can never repay you? Maybe next time you choose overtime over date night with your loved one AGAIN or you miss your kid's soccer game because the boss needed you to "go above and beyond," just don't.

A Redditor recently posted on the subreddit r/antiwork a PSA stating that "20 years from now the only people who will remember you worked late are your kids" and it caused a slew of commenters adding their two cents. Though the workforce is saturated with toxic management, you can still find some healthy work environments hidden in there—and with that comes bosses who understand the importance of work-life balance. You are a human, not a work robot, you should always prioritize life over work, period. See what others had to say about it and what they picked up for healthy management and past competent bosses below. 

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