Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Revelations tend to happen most often in the shower, although it's not quite clear why. Perhaps because it's that time of day that you can just chill, so your thoughts begin to settle into a nice, neat pile, making space for new ones. Allegedly, one good idea that was conceived by the famous Isaac Newton apparently occurred to him while he was chilling under an apple tree. He's that dude that came up with the law of universal gravitation, but evidently, an apple had to plop onto his head (ouch) for that to happen.

In case you missed it, we're talking about shower thoughts here. When you're standing under the trickling stream of water, your thoughts wander through the different (weird) valleys in the atoms of your brain, coming to some strangely accurate conclusions. Perhaps you're a Wim Hof fan and you've been attempting to distract yourself as you sit miserably in the freezing cold water, OR you're normal, having a normal shower. Either way, showers are blessed with a certain… magic that allows you to capture those thoughts and figure out you're secretly a genius.

For more, here are some looney LinkedIn lunatics to judge.

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