Thursday, March 16, 2023

'Firing me for exposing the company's illegal activities was also illegal, so instead she raged at me' : Employee maliciously complies with terrible manager, calls IT after finding error in system, resulting in fines amounting to $30,000

Companies often cheap out on buying software, instead opting to download a pirated version for free. If this were to come to light, the fines would be hefty, but a lot of companies get away with it. This one did not. An employee with no prior office experience was hired as a processor for a mortgage company. Her boss was extremely dismissive, as she looked down on her for having no experience. Her pride cost the company $30,000 in fines.

What happened was the following: An unknown error popped up on the screen one day, and OP wasn't sure how to fix it. All she knew was that she was told 'Never to call IT'. She approached her boss, who told her literally, to call IT. OP tried arguing, but her boss was adamant. Left with no choice, OP maliciously complied; she called IT, and they were 'incredibly helpful'. In fact, they were so helpful that they asked OP to print a diagnostic page and fax it to them to see if there were any other problems, as OP was 'new'. OP did.

That left the cat out of the bag, and the next day, the manager was absolutely livid. Scroll down for a detailed account of the events. For more stories like this one, check out this woman who had enough of her messy roommates and decided it was time for revenge.

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